

Last Update: 12/28/2001




Brief Description:

UnCheat is THE utility to prevent cheating in your LORD game. Now the first thing you may ask is what's the advantage to using this program over the other(s) (such as ANTi-CHEAT). Well although there are no execution advantages (besides a MUCH better config file editor and almost 1/3 the disk space used), this program is FREE! I threw this thing together in a few days (totaling less than 3-4 hours). The real reason it took so long was because of the nice config editor interface (which I have coined TUI).

Features in UnCheat v1.0 (4/12/97)

  • Written in Turbo Pascal
  • Easy-to-use menu driven configuration
  • Fast code
  • As with most Lazor Software titles, FREEWARE!

I'm sold! Lemme Download it now!